How Do I Export My Costs Table to Excel?
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- How Do I Export My Costs Table to Excel?
You can export your costs table from the Costing page directly to Excel with the menu item File -> Export Costing -> Export Costing as Excel File. This will export the costing data directly into an Excel file, using a template Excel file that gives you full control over the formatting and layout of the file. To edit the Excel template file use the menu item File -> Export Costing -> Edit Excel Template. Naturally you must have Windows Office installed to be able to use Excel.
Alternatively, you can still export your costs table from the Costing page to a comma separated variables file (*.csv) using the menu item File -> Export Costing -> Export Costing as CSV File. Excel can also read CSV files without difficulty, just you do not have the ability to control the Excel file layout and formatting using this method.
You can also use the toolbar Copy function to copy a selection from the Costs Table and paste it directly into Excel.
In both cases, and items that have been hidden using the Hide Items toolbar button () or the Filter Items button (
) will be excluded from the costs table.